Salsabila Aprilia Widiyanti
Head of BEM HMPS 2021/2022 Period

Salsabila Aprilia Widiyanti was born in Sumedang, April 27, 2001. In junior high school at SMP Negeri 1 Sumedang, she participated in the acceleration program. She is trained to have a solid determination to maintain her grade as a way not to be eliminated. The value of honesty as a culture in the acceleration program forms her character in her ability to think creatively and innovatively even when faced with difficult situations.
As she is familiarly called, Salsa is interested in organization and education development. She shows the action by contributing to the development of education in his hometown, Sumedang, through the Village Teaching Movement (Gerakan Mengajar Desa, “GMD”) as a leader. Not only that, but she also has a solid desire to actualize a new idea. The slogan #HMPSProgresif can describe the determination that is burning within her.
Salsa is a strong woman in her stance and always accepts aspirations. Her leadership is unquestionable. She is known as a total leader and can work together in a team. Those skills led her to become the first women head of Students Executive Board (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa, “BEM”) Sociology Education Student Association (Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sosiologi, “HMPS”).
This class of 2019 student is rich in leadership experiences. That can be seen from her leadership track record.
1. Head of the Social Project (SOSPRO) “CLBK (Cintai dan Budaya, dan Diri Kita)” at Al-Kautsar Orphanage, Lembang, Bandung (October - December 2019)
2. Chief Executive of Student Leadership Training Education (Pendidikan Latihan Kepemimpian Mahasiswa, “PLKM”) for new college students of Sociology Education UPI 2020 (February - March 2021)
3. Leader of the GMD Sumedang Regency for the 2020-2021 period
4. Head of BEM HMPS for the 2021/2022 period