Rizki Muhammad Ramdhan, S.Pd., M.Sos.
Expert Staff Team of The Minister for Education and Culture Regulation

Rizki Muhammad Ramdhan, S.Pd., M.Sos., was born in Sukabumi on March 22, 1992. He obtained a bachelor's degree from the Sociology Education Study Program, Indonesia University of Education in 2014 with the title cumlaude and earned a Master's degree in Sociology from the Postgraduate Masters Program Sociology at Padjadjaran University in 2018.
Currently, Rizki works at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology as a Team of Expert Staff to the Minister for Education and Culture Regulation. Previously, he served at the Center for Policy Analysis and Synchronization of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2019, the expert staff team of the minister of Education and Culture in the Field of Character Development in 2016-2019, assistant lecturer at STKIP PGRI Sukabumi, consultant at Save The Children Indonesia in 2015, and research assistant at Padjadjaran University in 2015.
In addition, he is actively writing various articles in print media and has written various books such as 7 Mata Air Menuju Sukses (Hakim Publishing, 2013), Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Desa (Hakim Publishing, 2014), Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah: Strategi Membangun Generasi Muda yang Bermartabat dan Berbudi Pekerti (Budhi Mulia Publisher, 2016), and Menangkal Radikalisme Melalui Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (MoEC, 2019).
His organizational experiences include being a member of the Central Board of the Indonesian Sociology Educator and Researcher Professional Association (AP3SI) for the 2020-2025 period, Chairman of the Budhi Mulia Foundation from 2020 until now, member of the Ministry of Education and Culture's Character Education Strengthening Team (PPK) in 2017-2019, General Secretary of the Postgraduate HIMA Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Padjadjaran University for the 2015-2017 period, member of the Turun Tangan Bandung in 2014, the administrator of the Student Executive Board of the Indonesian University of Education for the period 2012-2013, Head of Student Journalist for Sociology Education (JMPS) Indonesia University of Education for the period 2012-2013, head of department of education of the Social Science Education Faculty Student Senate period 2011-2012, Head of student executive board of Sociology Education Student Association of Social Science Education Faculty period 2011-2012, and administrators of the student activity unit of the Institute for Research and Intellectual Studies (LEPPIM) of the Indonesian University of Education for the period 2010-2011.
While in college, Rizki won several awards including the Diligence Award and best essay II from One Asia Foundation Japan 2012, 1st place for Outstanding Student of Social Science Education Faculty of Indonesia University of Education in 2013, 1st winner of the Islamic Short Story Contest at Gema Musabaqoh Sociology in 2013, and a participant in the Student Exchange program at Shizuoka University Japan. He can be contacted via Instagram at @rizkimuhammadramdhan.