Indonesian Representative in YSEALI Regional Workshop 2022
Congratulations to Kang Oki Anggara, M.Si. @oki anggara (Alumni of UPI Sociology Education 2013 / IAIN Pontianak Lecturer) who was selected as one of Indonesia's representative participants in the 2022 YSEALI Regional Workshop: Guardians of Good Governance The workshop was organized and fully financed by the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines in collaboration with Cultural VIstas and raised the theme/issue of Civic Education for Good Governance.
Launched in 2013, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) is the U.S. government's signature program to strengthen leadership and networking development in Southeast Asia. Through a variety of programs and engagements, YSEALI seeks to build youth leadership capabilities in the Southeast Asian region, strengthen relationships between the United States and Southeast Asia, and foster a community of leaders ASEAN that works together across the national borders of each country to solve common problems.
#PrestasiAlumniUPI #PendidikanSosiologiUPI