IKA UPI Commissariat of Sociology Launches Scholarship Program

The UPI Alumni Association of the Commissariat of Sociology Education launched and provided scholarships to students at the S-1 level of the UPI Sociology Education Study Program on July 28, 2022. This scholarship is an implementation of the work program of the Department of Advocacy, Social and Business Development of IKA UPI Commissariat of Sociology Education in order to help students complete their studies as well as possible. This assistance was sourced from the wallets of alumni of UPI Sociology Education Study Program students.
Rizki Muhammad Ramdhan as Chairman of IKA UPI Commissariat of Sociology Education said that this scholarship is the inaugural program collected from alumni voluntarily and is expected to grow further providing benefits to sociology education students.
" The IKA UPI Commissariat of Sociology Education Scholarship is a fund collected from alumni of Sociology Education voluntarily. With all the limitations, all of us alumni are committed to helping the smooth study of younger students, hopefully in the future this program can develop to provide wider benefits again,"said Rizki.
Based on considerations, eligibility, and applications for educational funding assistance, there is one student of the Sociology Education Study Program Class of 2018 who is designated as a recipient of the IKA UPI Commissariat of Sociology Education scholarship named Dipa Suharto with a total alumni assistance of Rp.2,400,000,- (two million four hundred thousand rupiah). In addition, another good news is based on the letter of IKA UPI Commissariat of FPIPS Number 16 / SKet / IKAUPI-FPIPS / VII / 2022 signed by Prof. Dr. Cecep Darmawan, S.Pd.,M.H.,M.Si., where IKA UPI Commissariat of Sociology Education is part of it, one student of the Sociology Education Study Program Class of 2021 has been selected who is designated as a recipient of the IKA scholarship UPI FPIPS Commissariat named Muhamad Rais Mochtar with a total scholarship of Rp.500.000,- (five hundred thousand rupiah).
Sri Pujiati as Secretary of the Department of Advocacy, Social and Business Development of IKA UPI Commissariat of Sociology Education expressed his gratitude to all alumni for their concern, in the first wave of the scholarship program this has been raised funds of Rp.3,500,000 (three million five hundred thousand rupiah) of which the rest will go to the "Alumni Wallet" treasury.
"We would like to thank all our fellow alumni who have set aside some of their fortunes to help our younger siblings in need. May Allah multiply his fortune. We also ask for moral and material assistance and support so that all alumni programs carried out run smoothly, and scholarship beneficiaries can continue their studies as well as possible," said Sri Pujiati.
A thank you from Dipa Suharto as the recipient of the scholarship, "MasyaAllah, Alhamdulillah. Thank you very much for your concern and assistance for Dipa, InshaAllah Dipa will make the best use of this scholarship and immediately complete Dipa's studies, so that Dipa can like akang and other teteh can help and benefit the younger siblings in Sociology Education".
Hopefully, the scholarship recipients can continue their studies smoothly and well and the mandate for the scholarships that have been given from the wallets of IKA UPI alumni of the Commissariat of Sociology Education. (Harni Marisa)