Masters Degree in Sociology Education by RPL Pathway

Rizki Amaliya, final year student class of 2019 for the Soiology Undergraduate Program. Active in various campus organizations and happy with the academic world. Currently pursuing Masters Degree in the Sociology Education Study Program. So, Riris, as he is affectionately called, is currently in his final stages of studying at UPI's Bachelor of Sociology Education, but has also started attending Masters of Sociology Education at UPI. How is it that you haven't graduated from S1 and are already studying at S2?
So, the fast track program or Accelerated Study of S1 to S2 is a new program at the Indonesian University of Education. Rizki Amalia can get RPL or join this program based on the offer and recommendation from the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Ms. Dr. Siti Nurbayani, M.Sc. Based on this opportunity, in the end Riris tried to register and take care of all the paperwork until finally during the final S1 studies he also took several courses in Postgraduate Studies (S2).
In the process of filing until finally participating in the learning process, everything has been facilitated and assisted by the lecturers and education staff of the Sociology Education Study Program. Learning can be followed well and lecturers and friends at Postgraduate also welcome. Thus, I would like to thank all parties in the Sociology Education Study Program who have assisted, guided, and directed this Accelerated Study. This program is very good and useful, especially in terms of the effectiveness and efficiency of the study period. Therefore, it is hoped that in the future many students of the Sociology Education Study Program will take part in this program