Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education


Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd., M.A.

Mrs. Yuni is a young lecturer in the Sociology Education study program joined since February 2021. Alumni of S-1 Sociology Education, Yogyakarta State University and S-2 Sociology, Gadjah Mada University. Her expertise in the field of Sociology of Education and Community Empowerment.


Dr. Pandu Hyangsewu, S.Th.I, M.Ag

Dr. Pandu Hyangsewu, S.Th.I, M.Ag is a Lecturer of the Sociology Education Study Program, a figure who had been a student at one of the Islamic boarding schools in East Java completed his Undergraduate Education in Theology concentration at Darussalam University (UNIDA), then continued in the master's and doctoral programs at the State Islamic University of Bandung. Being the Chairman of the DMI Mosque Youth Association in West Java Province is part of activities other than doing the Tri Darma of Education


Drs. Maftuhin, M.Pd

Drs. Maftuhin, M.Pd. since 2006 has joined as a lecturer at the Indonesian University of Education, previously his various teaching experiences at various universities in Indonesia. Graduated with a Drs degree from a Bachelor of Education from PMPKN IKIP Bandung Indonesia in 1985, and a Master of Administrative Sciences from STIAMI Jakarta Local Government in 2010.


Asep Dahliyana, M.Pd

Asep Dahliyana, M.Pd. has served at the Indonesian University of Education since 2015. Bachelor's degree from PMPKn, UPI, in 2008. The master's degree is still at the same campus, UPI, with a major in Civic Education in 2011, and is currently pursuing S-3 in the General and Character Education Study Program, UPI.


Prof. Dr. Dasim Budimansyah, M.Si.

Prof. Dr. Dasim Budimansyah, M.Si.  is a lecturer of sociology education  study program.  He studied  S-1 at the  Indonesian University of Education.  As for the S-2 and S-3 levels, he took it at  Padjadjaran University.


Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Hufad, M.Ed.

Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Hufad, M.Ed. is a lecturer in the Sociology Education  study program.  He studied  S-1 at  the Indonesian University of  Education majoring in IPPS, S-2 at  Tsukuba University and S-3 at  Padjadjaran University majoring in Sociology Anthropology.


Syaifullah, S.Pd, M.Si

Syaifullah, S.Pd, M.Si is a lecturer in the Sociology Education  study program.  He took the pmpkn undergraduate education level   at  Indonesian University of Education, then got a master's  degree at  Padjadjaran University majoring in Sociology Anthropology and is currently studying doctoral at the  Indonesian University of Education.