Workshop on Preparation of RKAT 2020
Annual Work Plan and Budget or Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Tahunan (RKAT) of the Sociology Education Program 2020 focused on being able to support the achievement of University targets. The various activities that are arranged are required to produce outputs that really support the improvement of university rankings. The distribution of activities in the 2020 RKAT:
No Activities Percentage (%)
1 Practicum 19.35
2 Research 10
3 Service 5
4 Poor People 2.16
5 Student Activity Assistance 5
6 Human Resources Improvement 5.89
7 Management 2.47
8 Leading Activities 20.07
In the Workshop on RKAT preparation which was carried out together the leadership of the UPI FPIPS in Garut on 27-28 September 2019, the draft RKAT of the Sociology Education Study Program for 2020 has been reviewed jointly by the faculty leadership and all study program leaders.