Visitation for Accreditation of Masters in Sociology Education by Assessors of BAN PT

The Masters Program in Sociology Education at the Indonesian University of Education on 12 - 14 September 2019 received a visit from the Assessor of BAN PT. Two assessors were assigned to do the visitation: Dr. Azwar, M.Si. from Andalas University, and Dr. Deny Setiawan, M.Si from Medan State University. The arrival of the two BAN PT assessors was welcomed by the Director of SPs UPI and the Head of the Sociology Education Study Program.
Also present in the activity was Prof. Dr. Sudardja Adiwikarta, who is an elder and supervisor of the Masters Program in Sociology Education, SPs UPI. As a graduate user, Drs. Nur Hadi, M.Si Head of Sociology Education Study Program, State University of Malang and Agus Rustandi, M.Si (Head of SMA Alfa Centauri). The alumni were represented by Aah Konaah, M.Pd, Nina Oktaviana, M.Pd, Seli Pratiwi, M.Pd, Tati Sulastri, M.Pd.
Previously, the UPI SPs UPI Sociology Education Master's Degree Study Program obtained an accreditation score of "B" based on the Decree of BAN PT Number: 290/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VIII/2014 which expires in August 2019. Along with efforts to improve quality through various programs What have been done by the Head of Study Program in the 2014-2019 period, we hope that we will get a maximum score of accreditation this time we will get an "A" (hope).