Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education



On  September 24, 2022, Kesmawa  Training work program was carried out by  the Department of Student Welfare, BEM HMPS UPI.   This event  was held in the  FPMPIA Room, Floor IV, E-405.  TRAKES (Student Welfare Training) itself is an activity organized by  the Department of Student Welfare,  Student Executive Board  of the Sociology Education  Student Association (BEM HMPS).  The purpose of holding this  activity is to introduce  the perspective or history of the  Student Welfare Department to new students of Sociology Education  2022.  Then inform that in the  Department of Student Welfare there are 2 fields consisting of the  field of  Advocacy and the field of Bandawa (Student Fund Assistance).  With these two fields, it can help Sociology Education  students who experience obstacles in  the  academic and non-academic fields. TRAKES (  Student Welfare Training) this time is in the form of a sharing session to new students of Sociology Education  2022.  

The topics discussed  from Kesmawa Training  are as follows:

1.      A look at the  history of the Department of Student Welfare.

2.      Explaining  what the field of Advoc and Bandawa is.

3.      Duties and functions of the field of Advocacy and Bandawa.

4.      The urgency of advocacy and bandawa.

5.      Student   and academic bureaucratic flow

With  this Student Training  activity, it is hoped that new students can understand the flow of academic and  student  bureaucracy and not feel confused about the   flow of lectures at  UPI Sociology Education.