Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

The Urgency of the Implementation of the Caring for the Nation's Children Model to the Community


The Indonesia University of Education team, from 2015 to 2020, conducted research on the phenomenon of sexual violence against children, especially in cases of pedophilic sexual violence in Indonesia. This study shows various kinds of case portraits regarding various socio-cultural factors. The results of this study led to the formulation of a model for preventing sexual violence, especially against children. The concept of this model is called The Model of the Children Nation Movement (Model Gerakan Anak Bangsa), by bringing up three main points proposed, namely Main Care Model (Model Peduli Utama, "DELIMA"), Community Care Model (Model Peduli Masyarakat, "DELISA"), and Victim Care Model (Model Peduli Korban, "DELIAN").

One of the model programs from Peduli Anak Bangsa, the Delima model, is a model that focuses on strengthening the role of families in child protection. This model can also be referred to as the primary prevention model. Because in this model, the role of the family as the primary means of socialization for children has a significant influence in terms of child protection which is closely related to family resilience. The specific objectives include efforts to optimize the role of fathers and mothers in child protection, provide understanding to children about their rights, determine appropriate parenting styles for children, and instill a sense of responsibility in children and family resilience in every family in Indonesia.

Then in implementing the model, the Indonesia University of Education team carried out community service in Buniara Village, Tanjusiang District, Subang Regency. This is motivated by the use of gadgets in children and adolescents, which is increasingly addictive and challenging to let go of. Considering the various sexual violence and sexual harassment cases also often occur in accessing social media. So this is a big concern for the local community about cases of violence that can happen to their children.

From these concerns, the service is carried out to provide knowledge to children, families, and communities about the model of caring for the nation's children in strengthening the role and status of the family in nurturing and increasing social sensitivity.

The service took the theme of "Building Family Resilience in Buniara Village Free from Sexual Violence," with the peak of the activity being an outreach program or lecture from this service partner, namely Mr. Akhmad Basuni, M.Sc., chairman of the Indonesian Family Planning Association (Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia, "PKBI") Subang on Sunday, November 14, 2021.

Forty families and community stakeholders attended this activity. They received material on how efforts must be made in carrying out their role as parents who will implement parenting that is free from violence. In addition, the lectures were devoted to protecting children from the bad influence of social media, limiting the use of mobile phones by children, and increasing openness between parents and children.