Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Talent Scouting Academy Batch II


The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) again invited UPI  lecturers to take part in the Talent Scouting Academy Batch II Indonesian Scouting Training Program together with Mastercard and Micromentor Indonesia. This program will be held on 26 - 31 July 2022 in Depok at the JHL Solitaire Gading Serpong hotel.

The activity "TSA: Training of Trainer (ToT) Mentor TSA – Micromentor Academey" in order to help the  Development of Entrepreneurship in the digital era  of  the Indonesian economy.  Lecturers who take part in this activity will later become mentors and apply their knowledge to the Entrepreneurship / Business / Digital Literacy Course at  their respective campuses