Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Sooners 1.0 (Sociology Entrepreneurship Seminars)


Sooners 1.0 (Sociology Entrepreneurship Seminars) is one of the work programs of the department of interest and talent in the field of entrepreneurship, which aims to provide guidance, knowledge, and tips for stepping entrepreneurs who just want to enter the world of entrepreneurship in order to find out the steps to become an entrepreneur successful and resilient entrepreneur. This program was held on Monday, October 14, 2019 at the Auditorium FPIPS UPI.

This work program is aimed primarily at students of sociology education who can be used as a vehicle to find out things about the world of entrepreneurship to be more open and change their mindset to become a successful entrepreneur by starting to open creative, innovative, and attractive job opportunities. In addition, this work program is aimed at the general public in order to provide an initial overview of the world of entrepreneurship and provide motivation to inspire enthusiasm to achieve success.