Sociology Religious Talk (SRT): It's Said That Campuses are Places of Education, Why Does Radicalism Often Occur?
Saturday, September 4 2021, Sociology Education Student Association (HMPS) of Indonesia University of Education has held a webinar talk show "Sociology Religious Talk" online via Zoom Meeting with the theme "A campus is a Place for Education, Why Radicalism Often Occurs?". Sociology Religious Talk is one of the work programs of the Department of Spirituality, which aims to enable students to understand, study and avoid religious issues that can affect campus life which is quite free, and so that students can avoid the influence of deviant religious issues.
The series of events consisted of lectures given by Mr. Pandu Hyangsewu S.Thi., M.Ag. who is a Lecturer in the Sociology Education Study Program at the Indonesia University of Education. The material given is about discussing religious issues that often occur in the campus environment, the urgency of understanding religious issues that often occur in the campus environment, explaining the role of students as "agents of change" so as not to fall into religious issues in the campus environment, especially radicalism and terrorism as well as explaining how to implement the role of students in dealing with religious issues while maintaining religious values as a religious society.
By holding this webinar talk show, it is hoped that Sociology Education students will be able to reaffirm their intention to earnestly receive education in the world of lectures accompanied by faith that is always imprinted in each student and become wise students in responding to any religious issues in the world and campus environment.