Sociology Education Students Successfully Won 2nd Place in the Selection of West Java Reading Ambassador Sons 2022

The selection of West Java Reading Ambassadors is an activity organized by the West Java DISPUSIPDA since 2017 until now. This activity is carried out as a form of appreciation for students who are actively engaged in literacy activities. Before the selection stage of the West Java Reading Ambassador Selection, the participants must first take part in the selection at the district or city level, which will later serve as delegates or representatives to be selected at the provincial level.
The selection stages passed by the participants are: (1) The administrative stage. They were covering the making of essays with the theme of literacy action, making a profile of literacy activities and other personal accessories; (2) The challenge stage or video challenge. Here the participants are required to take the challenge for five days in a row with different challenges every day, and then the video is uploaded on each participant's Instagram page; (3) Final stage. This stage was held at Graha Pustaloka, DISPUSIPDA West Java. The participants are required to take a written literature test and general knowledge test, then take a closed interview to determine the top 32, as well as an open interview which is carried out in stages to determine the top 10, top 6, and finally to determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
In this West Java Reading Ambassador Selection activity, a Sociology Education student, Bara Athaya from the class of 2021, received the mandate as the 2nd Winner of the West Java Reading Ambassador.
"By participating in this activity, I gained a lot of new knowledge and insights because the participants involved sharing or shared experiences. Hopefully, in the future I can continue to grow and develop with great people, both on campus and outside the campus environment, because I believe that the best human being is the one who is beneficial to the surrounding environment," Bara concluded.