Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Sociology Education Program Accreditation Preparation Meeting


With the BAN-PT accreditation nearing the end of the Sociology Education study program in September, the entire academic community both lecturers and staff, assisted by several students, are currently busy preparing the Lamdik (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Kependidikan) accreditation form. The form preparation meeting was directly chaired by the Dean of FPIPS, Mr. Dr. Agus Mulyana, M. Hum on Monday, May 23 2022 at the meeting room 103, 1st floor of the Nu'man Soemantri building. Attended by the dean, vice dean, secretary of SPM, head of study program, secretary of study program and the entire team of Lamdik Prodi accreditation forms, the meeting starts at 08.30 WIB - Finished. 

The agenda of the meeting discussed the preparation of lamdik accreditation forms, both at the PT, UPPS and PS levels. Surgery was performed on each criterion, the difficulties found and some suggestions and input from the dean. It is hoped that through this meeting, the entire form team understands the tasks assigned and completes the data as needed. In the end, it is hoped that this Lamdik accreditation will get maximum results in accordance with expectations.