Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Socialization of Dangers of Drug Abuse and Free Sex as a Form of Prevention Against Adolescents in Pagerwangi Village


This program is an effort to address one of the problems that occurred in the village of Pagerwangi is related to the abuse of teenagers in the form of drug abuse and free sex behavior that even occurs in children and adolescents who are still underage. The program is packed in the form of seminars and educational delivery around related topics. The main target of this socialization arrangement is children and adolescents in the SD-SMP-SMA-College age range, as well as parents because in principle parents have a supervisory role in anticipating the occurrence of unwanted events to their children.

Socialization is divided into two sessions. The first session is about the dangers of drug abuse. This socialization was delivered by Mr. Purnama Wijaya, S.Sos. whom he was the Kasubkoor for the Prevention and Promotion of the Society of the National Narcotic Organization of the United Nations. The second session was a socialization about free sex with Adam Firdyansyah as a pet. Socialization runs with a high enthusiasm of the community of Pagerwangi RW 13 considering that such socialization is very needed by the surrounding community, especially the youth. Pemateri communicates material on the dangers of free sex in a mild way so that it can be easily accepted and understood by the surrounding people. At the end of the training session we conducted a post test for the socialization participants. This is done to measure the extent to which the knowledge of the public about the harvesting has been given previously. From the post test results that we did the participants got an average score of 67.5. In this way, it can be assumed that the public has understood at least half of the material that has been submitted.