Prodi Education Sociology and Social Services Cooperation

On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, Prodi Education Sociology made a visit to the office of the Social Service of the West Java Province. The group was welcomed directly by the head of the Social Service Dr. H. Dodo Suhendar, M.M. The activities that lasted for more than 2 hours became the event of co-operation between the Ministry of Social Education and the Social Services.
With a common purpose, forms of cooperation are carried out in the fields of internships, research, empowerment of the community, and guest lecturers. The cooperation is related to the MBKM program, internships, for example, students of education sociology can internship in the office of the social service. In the field of research is expected some fields related to social welfare can be a research faculty or students that then become a policy recommendation for the Social Service.
In this case, the Social Service will select the location of the target village of AoC so that the target is more accurate, starting from setting up and planning, hopefully will be a model of empowerment of the community. Empowering more towards non-physical in the sense of creating systems in society and changing the mindset of society.