PPG PPL in Position 2019

PPG Program in the Department of Sociology Education Program has begun to enter the PPL level. Monday, September 30, 2019 is the first day of the implementation of PPL PPG activities in the Department. A total of 26 PPl PPG students in the Department of Sociology Education were placed in 9 high schools spread in the city of Bandung:
1. SMA Alfa Centauri
2. SMA Lab School UPI
3. SMA Negeri 13 Bandung
4. SMA Negeri 2 Bandung
5. SMA Negeri 3 Bandung
6. SMA Negeri 4 Bandung
7. SMA Negeri 5 Bandung
8. SMA Negeri 6 Bandung
9. SMA Negeri 9 Bandung
The students of PPL PPG in the Department were guided by the lecturers of the Department Sociology Education and by experienced teachers, namely Nina Octaviana, M.Pd., Dra. Titik Suparwati, M.Si., Drs. Rohandi, Ida Rohayani, M.Pd., Julaeha, M.Pd., Drs. H. Tedja Soekmana, Dra. Apon Kuraesin and Ria Mariana, M.Pd.