Knitting Stories in the Room – Independent Classrooms at SDN 1 Dawungsari Teaching Campus Batch 3
The Teaching Campus Batch 3 of 2022 is an advanced program of the Teaching Campus Program Batch 2 of 2021 and the Pioneer Teaching Campus which has been implemented in 2020 as proof of dedication campus through students to move to make national education a success in pandemic conditions. In this program , all students are given the opportunity to be creative, collaborate, and take action to support the improvement of the quality of learning in elementary schools, especially in the 3T area and also hone social sensitivity, emotional maturity, as well as leadership. Activities are carried out to assist teachers in carrying out learning, especially training students' skills in iteration and numeracy. the scope of the Teaching Campus Program includes learning in all subjects focused on literacy and numeracy, school managerial administrative assistance, and technology adaptation .
In the Teaching Campus Program Batch 3, one of the students named Novia Asri Lestari was placed at SDN 1 Dawungsari which is located at Kp. Pasirlimus 03/06 Dawungsari Village CILAWU – GARUT Kec.Cilawu 44181 Prov. West Java. This program is carried out for 5 months (February – June), the activities carried out include Debriefing, release, observation, program planning, implementation of activities, withdrawal Students Teaching Campus 3. On February 1, 2022 – 28 Fabruari 2022, the debriefing activities were carried out through Zoom Meeting and Live Youtube. This activity is carried out with the aim that students have provisions when jumping into spaciousness. The material presented is knowledge, skills, soft skills, Literacy and Numeracy, strategies in learning, communication, and how to adapt to the environment. On February 23, 2022, the release of the Teaching Campus was held online, attended by Mr. Nadiem Anwar Makarim, Mr. Jumeri, Mr. Nizam, Mr. Wikan Sakarinto and all Mengajar Campus Students Batch 3. The release activity coincided with a speech as well as a release by the head of the Garut Regency Education office, namely Mr. Ade Manadin S.Pd M.Pd.
This activity was attended by all teaching campus students throughout Garut Regency, Field Supervisors throughout Garut Regency and principals whose schools are targeted by the Campus Teaching Batch 3. On March 1, 2022, students and DPL came to the school to hand over students carried out by DPL to the school as well as establish a relationship. The day after the submission, precisely on February 2, 2022, observation was carried out, this activity aims to find out the condition of the school, the method that the author uses in observation this is the interview method, and the direct survey of spaciousness. The data obtained is sourced directly from the principal, civil service teachers and from the attached files. After getting the results of observation, students compile a design of activities, not to forget students consult with Field Supervisors and Pamong Teachers. The challenges faced during the implementation are in recognizing different children's characters.