Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

KKL Tematik: Goes to Keraton Kesunanan Surakarta


The Sociology Education Study Program  at the Indonesian University of Education, issued one of  the lecture programs  called Kuliah Kerja Lapangan or commonly referred to as KKL. Kuliah Kerja Lapangan  (KKL) is an activity that combines observation,  visits and tours to places or agencies related to material  studies  lectures related to  certain majors, this KKL  uses  a scientific  approach with the  intention of improving students' skills in analyzing and finding solutions in phenomena that   occurs in society.  

On August 20, 2022, the  Surakarta group carried out the MPA program with the departure from the  city of  Bandung to the city of  Surakarta using the  Bandung- Solo Balapan train.  Departure starts at  07.05 – 15.25 WIB. The MPA carried out by the Surakarta group examined three tourist attractions including Kauman Surakarta  Batik Village,  Surakarta Palace and  Mangkunegaran Surakarta Temple. Of  the three places,  three students from 12 sociology education students from the  Indonesian University of Education who went to the hospital  focused on studying the  Surakarta  Palace, while for 8 students others  focus on studying Kauman Surakarta  Batik Village  and some focus on Puro Mangkunegara.

Keraton Surakarta is the official palace  of Kesunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat which was built by Pakubuwono II in  1744 as a replacement for the Kartasura Palace  which was destroyed by the Chinatown Geger in  1743,  This palace has an area of about 54 acres.  This palace  became a silent witness to the  handover of the sovereignty of the  Mataram kingdom  by Pakubuwono II in  1749, in addition to being the residence of the  king  and  his family and courtiers.   is also used as a  museum to store historical objects belonging to the Surakarta Palace. The museum, which was inaugurated by President Soekarno in  1963,  holds historical relics such as keris,  kencana trains, and other  historical relics that have cultural elements which is still very thick. This museum is designed to provide knowledge to the public about the history and development of the Surakarta Kesunanan Palace  .

During the visit, the Surakarta  student group was guided by Mr. Kumaidi.  He explained the various relics  in the museum, including a well that is believed  to grant a person's wish if he drinks it and can radiate someone's aura  if the person  washes their face using the water in the well.  After going around seeing and studying around  the surakarta, Mr. kumaidi gave the opportunity for students to   do questions  and answers related to the  studies to be studied by students.