Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Implementation of the Radicalism Prevention Movement Model at SMP Prima Cendekia Islami Bandung


Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at the Ulul Albab Mosque, SMP Prima Cendekia Islami, was visited by the Sociology Education community service team, UPI. Delivered directly by the head of the study program, Siti Komariah, M.Sc., Ph.D. accompanied by the secretary of the study program, Dr. Wilodati, M.Si, along with Nindita Fajria Utami, M.Pd, Puspita Wulandari, M.Pd and Sri Wahyuni, M.A as lecturers of the Sociology Education study program.

In order to implement the model of the   radicalism prevention movement  , on this occasion, as a  performer, Prof. Dr. Dadan Wildan, M. Hum, as the Expert Staff of the Minister of State Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia for politics, defense, security as well as a UPI professor. Prof. Dadan explained that the concept of jihad is not  just a mere suicide   death.  It needs to be instilled  from an early age, how this doctrine of  jihad  is instilled and spread to the   younger generation as a form of  control and early prevention  of  radicalism,  especially in the world of education.