Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Handover of PPL-SP Students at Alfa Centauri High School Bandung


Entering offline learning in the odd semester of the  2022/2023  school year,  the PPL-SP (Praktik Pembelajaran Lapangan-Satuan Pendidikan) course is again carried out offline. Sociology Education sends 7th semester students who do not participate in MBKM  activities to several schools that have collaborated  with study programs to implement PPL in each school. Gradually  they were handed over to each of the educational units.

 Similarly, on Monday, September 12, 2022, as many as 2 Sociology Education students,  were  officially handed over  by  the  Field Supervisor (DPL) mrs. Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd., MA and  were very  well received, directly by  the  principal of Alfa Centauri High School, Mr. Agus Rustandi, M.Si, the vice head of the school for the curriculum section, Mrs. Dewi Kharisma W., M.Pd, as well as several civil service teachers from each subject, including Mrs. Nina Oktaviana, M.Pd as the  subject pamong teacher  Sociology.

On this occasion,   there were a total of  8 students from the  Physics education study program, literature  and  sociology education study program  . This PPL-SP  will be implemented  for approximately  two months, aiming at the  implementation of the knowledge gained when on campus, as well as being a means of practicing being a teacher with  the task is not only to teach but also  to educate  students, so that students will  also be involved in all programs implemented at Alfa Centauri High School,  as  concluded the father's  remarks.  principal, before officially  the student is accepted as a PPL student at the school.