Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Guest Lecture Series Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi, Prof. Mikihiro Moriyama, Nanzan University, Japan


On Monday, October 25, 2021, the Sociology Education Study Program will again carry out its annual activity, namely the guest lecture series. on this occasion, the study program brought online Prof. Mikihiro Moriyama, from Nanzan University, Japan's cherry country. With the theme of strengthening the existence of local Sundanese wisdom in the dynamic era of a global society.

Opened with a speech from the Dean of FPIPS, Dr. Agus Mulyana, M. Hum: "you can modernize, but don't let culture move". This is reinforced by the opinion of Prof. Moriyama where foreigners are interested in local culture and traditional culture that is unique in the era of globalization. Eating Sundanese food is of course more delicious to eat in the Sundanese tribal area. It's the same when he wants to eat Japanese food, of course, it's more delicious to eat in Japan than eating Japanese food but it's in Europe or other areas.

Prof. Moriyama added that Sundanese has a high potential in strengthening its existence in the era of globalization. Bandung city regulations support the existence of a Sundanese language day and make Sundanese the second official language after Indonesian.

The Guest Lecture Series activity was closed with an appeal from the Head of the Sociology Education Study Program, Mrs. Hj. Siti Komariah, M.Sc., Ph.D. to be more proud and love Sundanese culture by applying Sundanese culture in daily life. In the end, Sundanese culture was able to give color to the culture in Indonesia.