FGD Research On Women And Radicalism
On August 8-9, 2022 at the Hemangini Hotel, in order to follow up on previous years' research with the title "Reconstruction of the Role of Women in Religious Groups through the Educational Model of the Anti-Radicalism Social Movement" chaired by Prof. Dr. Elly Malihah, M. Si. together with her team members, namely Dr. Siti Nurbayani K., S.Pd., M.Si. and Dr. Wilodati, M. Si. In the third year, precisely on August 8 to 9, 2022, the research team together with Sociology Education students, especially carried out an FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with four relevant speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Bagong Suyanto, M.Si. (Professor of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga), Prof. Dr. Irfan Idris, M.A. (Director of Deradicalization of BNPT RI), Muhammad Nazib Azca, M.A., Ph.D. (Head of the Center for Security and Peace Studies, Gadjah Mada University) and also Mokh. Iman Firmansyah, S.Pd.I., M.Ag. (Lecturer of Islamic Religious Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) in an effort to formulate the Anti-Radicalism Social Movement Model through Educational Institutions.
In the initial session of the FGD, Prof. Irfan conveyed about various kinds of policies, strategies and programs to counter terrorism as a deradicalization effort carried out by the BNPT RI where the intended policy direction is based on strengthening National resilience in aspects of Ideology, Politics, Economy, Socio-Culture and Hankam as well as the Revitalization of Pancasila Values which focuses on efforts to revive and re-live the values that have been carried out in Pancasila so that they can be implemented in everyday life. Continuing in the second session of the FGD, Mr. Nazib Azca delivered his material on Youth Radicalism & The Role of Women in the Circle of Violent Extremism. Furthermore, in the 3rd presentation, Prof. Dr. Bagong conveyed how the handling efforts that must be carried out in counteracting this radicalism action, he also told how the environment has been exposed to radicalism. As well as the final Presentation given by Mokh. Iman Firmansyah, S.Pd.I., M.Ag. who is a Lecturer in Islamic Religious Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
According to him, there is actually a fallacy in the way of religion and statehood and also a fallacy in the concept of jihad itself. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the 4 pillars of nationality and also he explained some of the methods that have been carried out such as cultural-based informative learning, plurality, interfaith literacy learning, and emphasized how critical thinking skills are. from some of the methods already delivered can give a new model that is ultimately formulated.