Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education



On Saturday, November 26, 2022, the Sociology Thematic Dialogue (DIALECTICAL) event was carried out, which is one of the work programs of the Department of Socio-politics, the Sociology Education Student Association. This DIALECTICAL activity discusses current issues from various points of view, one of which is the view of sociology. With the theme "Identity Politics: A Shortcut or Unqualified Ethics". With various competent speakers in the field, there are 3 speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Elly Malihah,, Syarif Maulana, S.IP., M.I.Kom, and Muhammad Iqbal, S.Pd., M.Si.  This activity intends to examine this phenomenon of identity politics by opening a space for dialogue with the community and relevant sources. Political identity is a construction inherent in the subject, emphasizing the position of the subject's interests in a political community. Meanwhile, identity politics refers to the politics of organizing identity, both political and social identities that are the source and means of politics. Although identity politics is a political strategy and method that is carried out solely for the sake of achieving electability. This is not a form of violation in politics because in politics it is not right or wrong, but ethical or unethical. Identity politics is true, but unethical. Therefore, the question arises whether identity politics is a shortcut taken by would-be rulers in order to increase their electability alone? Moreover, reviewing identity politics is very risky to be applied in a plural and multicultural country like Indonesia because identity politics can lead to segregation, marginalization and even disintegration in society which will certainly have a bad impact on the future of Indonesian democracy. With the implementation of DIALKETIS yesterday, it is hoped that it will increase students' understanding of what identity politics is.