Congratulations, Sociology Education S1 Study Program Achieves 'Unggul' Accreditation
The results of the visitation of the LAMDIK assessor team or the Independent Accreditation Institute for Education who had the task of carrying out the Accreditation process for Study Programs (PS) in the Field of Education in Indonesia on October 6 and 7, 2022 produced very satisfactory results. Accreditation of the S-1 Sociology Education Study Program, which was originally ranked A, has successfully risen to the Superior rank. The results of this accreditation are valid from September 6, 2022 to September 5, 2027. This success shows the seriousness of the Sociology Education S-1 Study Program in producing the nation's next generation both as prospective sociology educators, research assistants and community empowerment.
The accreditation certificate can be downloaded at the following link: