Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Coffee Morning Forum for Great Lecturers FPIPS


Last Wednesday, July 13,  2022  , located in room 30  of the 5th floor of the Nukman Soemantri FPIPS  building, it took place with great enthusiasm at the Coffee Morning Forum  for Great   Lecturers (Reliable, Empathy, Bijak, Amanah, Tough).   This activity was  initiated by  the Agent of  Change as an extension of FPIPS's  commitment in realizing the  performance of the academic community with integrity has been pursued through the establishment of the Zone  Integrity of FPIPS.

By presenting a very reliable resource person in the  field of publication, namely Prof.Dr.Karim Suryadi.  M,Si as the Chairman of the  UPI Board  of Professors, Vidi Sukmayadi, Ph.D who  amazingly succeeded in  conducting 11  international publications during the time he completed his S3  course at Communication and Media Studies – Universiti  Mara Technology, Malaysia, and Taufik Abdullah, MM.Par Candidat Ph.D at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Taking the theme "The threat  of the death of expertise and the vital elan of  lecturers: What to do?"  all invitees  who are  young lecturers throughout  FPIPS are very enthusiastic about conducting discussions by exploring direct experiences from the speakers.  This activity, which is a routine  program for bi-monthly change  agents, is expected to be able to motivate the  acceleration of FPIPS  lecturer studies, open the  insights of  FPIPS  lecturers regarding scientific publications in journals  reputable and build specific lecturer  expertise based on the  field of science they  are engaged in.