Childfree: A Realistic Choice or Escape from Reality?

Saturday, November 27 2021, Sociology Education Student Association (HMPS) of Indonesia University of Education has carried out the "Thematic Sociology (Dialectical) Dialogue" activity in a blended manner in the Auditorium Room, 6th floor, Faculty of Social Science Education, Indonesia University of Education and through Zoom Meetings and live streaming through the HMPS YouTube channel. This activity carries the theme “Childfree: Realistic Choice or Escape from Reality?”. Dialectic is one of the work programs of the Department of Social and Political Affairs, which aims to conduct joint studies in order to gain an understanding of the phenomenon of voluntary childlessness in society or better known as the child free phenomenon.
The series of events consisted of discussion sessions brought by the speakers of Single Mother Pawestri and Mrs. Hani Yulindrasari, S.Psi., M.Gendst., Ph.D. The discussion started with initial opinions about the history and the beginning of the emergence of the child free phenomenon in Indonesia, including how this phenomenon received a lot of attention. These initial opinions were conveyed by the speakers in turn. By opening an introduction to what child free is and how it emerged, they were discusses the phenomenon in more depth and how we should view the phenomenon properly. Then, it is also explained about the reasons that allow someone to decide to choose child free and what was initially considered a misconception about how society views this phenomenon.
By holding this discussion, the audience is expected to be able to understand the whole child free phenomenon which is a polemic against a person's right to freedom in making a decision and how this can affect Indonesian society.