Certified Student Internship Programme (PMMB) FHCI BUMN

The Human Capital Indonesia Forum (FHCI) involves 146 BUMN and 300 public and private colleges in Indonesia to participate in the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB). The programme is a form of participation of the BUMn ministry to give students the opportunity to channel the potential and dig into the experience in BOMN. The internship was conducted for about 6 months, from September 19, 2022 to March 16, 2023, at PT Bio Farma (Persero) Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Kota Bandung, PT Bio Farm is one of the companies operating in the field of pharmaceuticals precisely the largest vaccine industry in Southeast Asia.
These internships are filled with learning and practical experience in the workplace, engaged directly with the entire range of work that exists in the Department of Placement i.e. on social and environmental issues, designing various programmes of work to be carried out, participating in office activities, routine mentoring that fills with presentations and discussions conducted at the Learning Center Bio pharma and so on. So you can get hard skills and soft skills that you can use when you enter the world of work. After the program is implemented for 6 months, FHCI together with the Ministry of BUMN according to the placement which in this case is PT Bio Farma (Persero) will give a certificate that can be beneficial for its future prospects. By following the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB) organized by FHCI with BUMN is able to add students' insights and skills to prepare and become Indonesian Human Resources superior especially in the face of global competition through link and match curriculum industry and Colleges.