Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Can Sociology Study Program Students Study at Unimed? Of Course


In order to support the Kampus Merdeka program, the Directorate General of Higher Education organizes the 2021 Independent Student Exchange Program. This program aims to provide opportunities for students to develop their knowledge by studying outside the study program or college. Studying outside the original tertiary institution provides experiences for students, especially in improving their competencies. This independent student exchange is carried out throughout Indonesia by conducting student exchanges between campuses, regions, and islands. In practice, students are allowed to study for one semester outside of tertiary institutions by taking 20 credits, which will later be converted at the original university.

On the Independent Student Exchange Program (Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka) occasion, Annisa Fadillah from Sociology Education batch 2019 took part in an exchange with Medan State University (Unimed) as the recipient PT. However, it did not move between islands in practice because it was still during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, learning is carried out remotely or online. In addition, the Independent Student Exchange also allows students to take one of the three lecture schemes offered, namely: (1) taking 20 credits at the recipient's PT; (2) taking ten credits at PT Beneficiary and ten credits at PT Mitra; (3) take 20 credits from PT Beneficiary, PT Mitra, and PT Origin. In this case, PT Mitra is a university that provides specific courses that can be chosen at the beginning of registration by students, which are not limited to islands or regions. The recipient PT is a university that the Ministry of Research determines, Technology and Higher Education based on the island chosen by the student.

In addition to getting a one-semester learning experience outside of tertiary institutions, students can also increase national insight through the Diversity Module (Modul Kebhinekaan) course. In this case, students can recognize the potential of Indonesia in terms of the existing diversity. Thus, students can apply an attitude of tolerance and develop insight into diversity to lead a superior generation. The Diversity Module allows students to visit historical and tourist sites in the recipient College area offline or online. In addition, students are also provided with inspiration from prominent figures in order to form a good personality. At the end of the program, students are also required to make social contributions to society to implement their knowledge.