Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

Admission of New Students 2022


On August 16, 2022, Sociology Education Student Association has held a New Student Admission (PMB) activity. PMB was held twice, on the 16th it was a PMB activity specifically for new students on the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways. The implementation time starts at 07.15 WIB in Meeting Room 5.11, 5th Floor FPIPS UPI. Meanwhile, the second wave will be held on August 24, 2022 at the same time and place, but specifically for new students from the SM UPI and SMM-PTN BARAT students.

The objectives of the PMB activities are as follows:

1. Welcoming new students of Sociology Education batch 2022 who have passed the selection to enter State Universities;

2. Provide basic knowledge about the campus environment, especially the Sociology Education Study Program to new students of Sociology Education class of 2022;

3. To record the number of new students in the class of 2022 who are accepted into the Sociology Education Study Program;

4. Growing motivation related to the world of student affairs to new students.

In addition to the stated objectives, the series of welcoming new students was also enlivened by the ORMAWA FPIPS UPI parade as a form of celebration and enlivening the procession of welcoming new students. After the ORMAWA parade, students carried out self-report activities which consisted of filling in new student data and measuring group clothes and alma mater coats. In addition, a free photoshoot is also provided for new students as a documentation archive as well as a memory for new students. Hopefully, with the regeneration of the 2022 Sociology Education new students, they can become the nation's successor assets who have noble character, think critically, are dedicated and have a high integrity spirit for the nation.