A short Trip Between Kamjar 4 at SD Negeri Cisande 06 Sukabumi

The Class 4 Teaching Campus Program is an Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program with teaching assistance activities in educational units. One of the target schools is Cisande State Elementary School 06. The activities carried out in the Teaching Campus program start with debriefing, initial observations, and implementation of the Teaching Campus 4 program. While the Teaching Campus team is on duty at the target school it focuses on the areas of Literacy and Numeracy, Movement School Literacy, Technology Adaptation, as well as assisting with all forms of school administration and teachers. The Teaching Campus Program provides many benefits for schools and students. For students, it can provide benefits in the knowledge of leadership, sympathy, empathy, cooperation, individual management, group dynamics and can broaden insight. Meanwhile, for schools it is useful in terms of inspiration in the application of technology, administration and teaching with various methods that have been implemented by students to improve the quality of education in target schools.
In terms of learning aspects, the results of the situation analysis show quite good results, especially in selecting the curriculum, namely the independent curriculum. From the results of observations, it was still found that students were not fluent in reading, writing and calculating. After investigating, this was caused by the pandemic which caused the students to study at home, so this deficiency was only discovered after entering school offline. The condition of most students in participating in learning is still lacking in terms of motivation to learn, as evidenced by the large number of students who do not go to school for minor reasons and the students' activeness in learning is still low. Observation results in terms of learning support facilities are in good/decent condition. . From the results of observations, around 70% of the classrooms are in good/decent condition and the remaining 30% of the classrooms are in poor condition. The availability of learning support facilities is still poor, such as the unavailability of computer labs, UKS, prayer rooms and libraries that are suitable for use so that the learning process which requires teaching materials in the form of textbooks in the library is not fulfilled properly.
The availability of technological facilities in learning activities and administration in schools is still not good. For example, there are no computer laboratories, widescreen TV technology for learning, and only a few administrative activities use computers. It's just that the application of technology by teachers is still lacking due to teachers' knowledge and skills in operating the technology. Only a few teachers and administrative staff have been able to maximize the technology available in schools. Not only do most teachers lack adaptation to technology, so do students. Many students cannot operate computers and also do not understand learning using technology. Moreover, the location where students live does not support technology adaptation. As well as parents of students, not all of whom have technology such as gadgets to carry out technology-based learning.