Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

3 Sociology Education Students Research Cai's Marriage Ceremony


Salsabila Khairani, Salsabila Noer Husna and Ami Hamimi Zatil Aqmar were supervised by Asep Dahliyana S.Pd., M.Pd. is a team of recipients of the PKM Social Humanities Research grant. The PKM-P team examined one of the traditional ceremonies from Kuningan Regency, West Java under the title "The Stigma of the Millennial Era Society and Its Contribution in the Implementation of the Cai Marriage Traditional Ceremony in Balong Dalem".

“We never thought we would qualify for the next stage. After being briefed, we finally conducted research for the first time on Friday, April 19th. We conducted interviews with elders from Balong Dalem. We are very excited to do this research because we want to know how the stigma and contribution of the millennial era community towards this traditional cai marriage ceremony. As a Kuningan person, I am also very happy that one of the traditional ceremonies from my hometown can be better known to people through this research”. Said Salsabila Khairani.

This traditional ceremony is called the Cai Marriage Ceremony. She said, it is held every year in October on a Kliwon Friday night by the people of Babakan Mulya Village, Jalaksana District. This traditional ceremony has been carried out for a long time and it is not known when it was first carried out. The traditional cai marriage ceremony is a traditional ceremony where two springs are brought together. The springs are the Tirta Yatra Balong Dalem spring and the Cibulan seven well spring in Manis Kidul Village.

The purpose of carrying out this traditional cai marriage ceremony is to ask God Almighty to provide sufficient water to irrigate agricultural land and other necessities of life. This ritual can be carried out simply or festively, depending on the available funds.