Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

2022 Indonesian Sociology Olympiad Winner


Announcement of the winners of the OSI 2022 competition from various categories, including:

1. Category of Da'i

- 1st Place: Siti Nur Chalishah (Ma Banu Hasyim PPP Darul Qur'an Banu Hasyim)

- 2nd Place: Iqri Nur Aeni (MA Ma'arif NU Science Al-Qur'an)

- 3rd Place: Ahmad Kamal (MBS Sleman Yogyakarta High School)

2. MTQ Kategori Category

- 1st Place: Zulfi Ahmad Hariri (SMAN 1 Sooko Mojokerto)

- 2nd Place: Kunta Ulinnuha (MBS Sleman Yogyakarta High School)

- 3rd Place: Salma Nurul Zaina (SMAN 4 Bandung)

3. Essay Category

- 1st Place: Nadya Nisfi Ramadani (SMA BPI 01 Bandung)

- 2nd Place: Arif Rachman Hakim (SMAN 1 Cisarua)

- 3rd Place: Dini Haryanti (SMAN 25 Bandung)

4. Poster Category

- 1st Place: Ega Anargya (Al-Irsyad Satya Islamic School)

- 2nd Place: Nadya Octavyan Putri (Al-Irsyad Satya Islamic School)

- 3rd Place: Muhammad Kilat Khandaq (SMA PU Albayan)

5. Business Plan Category

- 1st Place: Muhamad Hilmi Fadhlurohman, Tarina Pratami Indira Mulyana and Yudhis Febrian (SMAN 1 Garut)

- 2nd Place: Fatimah Azzahra Syahputri and Khansa Nabilla Altaira (SMA PU Al Bayan Putri)

- 3rd Place: Muhammad Restu, Muhammad Arief Faqih and Christophorus Rubben Skynova (SMAN 1 Babakan Madang)

Hopefully, the 2022 OSI can facilitate the interests and talents of SMA/MA Equivalent students in developing talents in their fields and is expected to make the younger generation better prepared to face their future.