Sociology Education

University of Indonesia Education

2016 Sociology Education Showcase


On Monday, July 3, 2018, a sociological learning showcase was held which was held by the 2016 Sociology Education students. This showcase is one of the assignments for the sociology course taught by Prof. Dr. H. Dasim Budimansyah, M.Si.

The students of class b sociology education were formed into 2 groups and 8 portfolios, previously the students had done research in the field and then presented them at the showcase. The theme of this showcase is “Jaipong” culture and moral decadence. At the end of the presentation, each group presents a sociodrama according to the theme raised. The performances of the showcase participants were judged by Fajar Nugraha Asyahidda, M.Pd.

With the showcase, it can train students to develop soft skills, teamwork, leadership, and communication, said Prof. Dr. H. Dasim Budimansyah, M.Sc. Held starting in 2013 the showcase received good responses from students. According to sociology education students who have carried out the showcase, the positive impact of the showcase besides being able to hone soft skills, teamwork, leadership, and communication intelligence, the showcase can also be applied when sociology education students are practicing teaching.